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Extension of applications for the International Youth Festival THE PLANET OF ART – 2024
Автор: kazfuca
Дата проведения: July 19, 2024
Extension of applications for the International Youth Festival THE PLANET OF ART – 2024

Kazakhstan National Federation of Clubs for UNESCO informs about the extension of applications until August 16, 2024 for the International Youth Festival THE PLANET OF ART - 2024. View the terms and conditions of the competition by following the link.

In 2024, the art cycle of the International Youth Festival THE PLANET OF ART - 2024 is dedicated to the study and dissemination of knowledge about UNESCO World Heritage sites, and is held within the framework of the 15th anniversary of Kazakhstan National Federation of Clubs for UNESCO and Kazakhstan’s chairmanship in the World Federation of UNESCO Clubs and Associations. Children and youth aged 3 to 18 years from all over the world are invited for participation by choosing one or several World Heritage sites for their creative artworks. Applications are accepted in the following categories: art, sculpture, photography and decorative arts. The organizers encourage to explore topics related to the protection, sustainability and importance of cultural and natural diversity.

The project has exclusively social nature and supports gifted young artists to realize their creative potential and promote the UNESCO World Heritage sites. It is expected that due to the scale and wide international coverage, more than 10,000 children, regardless of their social status, including children from remote regions, will have an equal chance to demonstrate their talents and further work with leading artists of Kazakhstan on an absolutely free basis.

According to the organizers of the festival, THE PLANET OF ART – 2024 supports all forms of diversity of cultural expression and strengthens friendly ties between young talents from different parts of the world.

The Festival is organized with the wide support of the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ICESCO, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Ministry of Culture and Information of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Akimat of Almaty City and the Regional UNESCO Almaty Office. Official partner of the project: Eurasian Resources Group (ERG). Co-partner: TengizChevroil company.

The culmination of the festival will be the release and presentation of the thematic album “Art of the World Heritage”, which will include the artworks of the finalists and winners of the project, as well as the award ceremony of the winners of festival in October 2024 in Almaty city.

Категория: Website News