Remembering the PAST, striving towards the FUTURE
Membership status of UNESCO Club
What does the membership status of UNESCO Club provide?
UNESCO Club member

– A member of the UNESCO Club can be a citizen of the Republic of Kazakhstan who has reached the age of 16, who shares the ideals of UNESCO, promotes them in his activities, actively participates in the implementation of cultural, scientific and educational programs of UNESCO, complies with the Charter and regularly pays membership fees.

— Членами Клубов ЮНЕСКО могут быть лица в возрасте до 16 лет, которые в этом случае должны представить письменное разрешение своих родителей или законных представителей. Иностранные граждане и лица без гражданства, желающие вступить в Клубы ЮНЕСКО, подают по своему постоянному или временному месту жительства, учебы заявление-анкету о приеме в действующий клуб ЮНЕСКО.

– Admission to membership is carried out by the Board of the Kazakhstan National Federation of UNESCO Clubs on the basis of a written application from the applicant, recommendations and minutes of the UNESCO Club. The decision is taken by majority vote.

– After a positive decision on admission to the UNESCO Club, newly joined persons are obliged to pay an entrance membership fee, the amount of which is determined by the Federation Board.

– The newly entered member is given a passport of a UNESCO Club member and a badge.

Badge of a member of the UNESCO Club
Passport of a member of the UNESCO Club